

Unified perspective through spirit informs wonder, will, and acceptance .
Unified perspective through opportunities that enhance spirit generate presence, courage, and joy .
Unified perspective through reinforcement patterns for spirit generate fear, control, and attachment .
Reflection on spirit
Spirit is rational self-awareness of things as they really are, really seem, and really feel. Its prime forms are acceptance, will, and wonder. With it, we experience awareness of flow and meta-awareness of spirit as internal motion.

Immersed in spirit-sense we notice opportunities to unveil the self through connection with the self. We engage ourselves from head to toe in the context of real otherness within our lives and imaginations. Veils to the need to connect to one’s self within otherness, which we knowingly or unknowingly maintain, obscure our view of others or towards influence (our own or another’s) and separate us from the bodily benefits of rational self-awareness, a shared appreciation of the internal motion of spirit, and a full appreciation of flowing self.

Spirit combines with time, greater good, and stillness to yield the fullness of iterative meta-awareness.